obst, banane, ananas, orange, kiwi, limette, food, zitrone, apfel, erdbeere, birne, baum, grün, essen, obstschale, frucht, gesund, lecker, sport, kerne, kochen, küche, saft, kompott, frisch, natur, natürlich, ernährung, tisch, salat, hintergrund, erfolg, business, vitamine, mineralien, schlank, abnehmen, diät, roh, rohkost, makro, pflanze, markt, strauch, acker, feld

  • It is highly recommended that fruits be eaten as a whole form as opposed to the juice version be it canned or even fresh. The fruit drink considered healthy isn’t really so healthy and may even be as bad as one of those sodas.
  • Moreover the fiber content in the fruits is almost always extracted when making juices unless you don’t sieve the juice after preparing the juice. Fiber is something which is very essential for the body. It helps normalize bowel movements, lowers cholestrol, helps control blood sugar levels, and aids in achieving healthy weight. Apart from that, it makes you feel full for a longer time (yes much longer.. imagine eating a single apple vs drinking the juice of an apple).
  • The fiber is mostly in the pulp of the fruit which is generally removed while preparing the juice. Removing fiber from the fruit would lesser the digestive benefits, faster the absorbtion of the fruits sugar in the body and decrease it’s glycemix index. Scientist accross the globe often relate juice as a cause of diabetes, obesity and dental problems.
  • When it comes to calories, a single glass of orange juice (fresh juice, no sugar added) would contain about 111 calories and a whooping 21 grams of sugar with hardly any fiber. Whereas eating an orange would yeild about 59 calories with 12 grams of sugar and 3 grams of fiber, taking care of more than 12% of your daily fiber requirement.
  • Most of the juices available in the market are not nowhere near 100% natural. Research shows that the leading companies stored the fruits without the presence of oxygen for up to a year before the final product is sold.
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